Our shared vision is a world with a just, humane, health-promoting and sustainable human food system for people wherever they live.

An animal-centered human food system is not sustainable for the planet

For our future:

In order to feed a growing population, we need a much more efficient way to produce healthy and affordable food that does not waste precious resources or overly contribute to global warming and environmental degradation.

For our health:

The standard western diet, rich in animal products is now spreading globally, and is linked to increases in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. We need to provide all people- especially lower income people- with ready access to the tastes and textures they love, but in ways that enhance and do not degrade their health.

For the animals:

Literally billions of cows, chickens, pigs, fish and other animals are killed each year for human food. In an effort to maximize profits, the vast majority of these animals are raised in conditions the average consumer would find excessively cruel and inhumane.

Working together, we can improve our world and create a healthy, humane, and sustainable future for ourselves and our children